Fennel and Cinnamon Coffee

vegetarian | contains dairy
start to finish: 8 minutes
yields 2 cups (500 ml)
Chai may be the go-to hot beverage in Hyderabad, but I believe you should always have choices. So for those who prefer coffee, try this no-nonsense way to make an exotic cup of masala java. Use either instant or freshly ground coffee, though if using the latter, see the “Tip” below.
Like most Indians, I like my tea and coffee sweet. Hence I would be generous with the sugar here, adding 2 teaspoons of sugar per cup – of course, you should sweeten your coffee as desired. Dry cookies, such as Pakistani-style “rusk” or biscotti, pair nicely with this flavoured hot beverage.
Click on the button at the end of this post to watch our instructional video.
2 cups milk (2% m.f.)
½ cup water
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
4 teaspoons of your preferred instant coffee
1-inch piece of cinnamon stick
sugar, to taste
1-litre small saucepan
fine strainer
In a small saucepan, heat the milk and water together on MEDIUM-HIGH. As the liquid starts to steam, add the fennel. Stir continuously for one minute.
Reduce the heat to MEDIUM-LOW. Add the coffee and cinnamon. Stir gently until the coffee is fully dissolved.
Remove from the heat and, if desired, stir in some sugar. Slowly pour the coffee through a strainer into two mugs.
Tip: If you prefer fresh brewed coffee rather than instant, then you may want to make your coffee or espresso separately (in a French press or espresso machine, etc.) and then directly mix it with the hot spiced milk. Or make it latte style and pour your brewed coffee into mugs first before adding frothed “masala milk” over top.
Talib Qizilbash